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06 June 2020 ~ Comments Off

E-Pray June 2020

Hello friends!
We think of you and miss you these days! We pray that you are all keeping safe and well! This is such an interesting time, virus and violence making their mark. I am so thankful though, that amidst it all, we can hold tight to all we know … [read more]

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09 April 2020 ~ Comments Off

E-Pray April 2020

Hello friends!
‘Thank you!’ to the so many of you who have been concerned for John and all those we love in India during these past crazy weeks! And, for the international students that we have been loving and serving this year. Circumstances have been changing so much until recently… … [read more]

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01 February 2020 ~ Comments Off

E-Pray February 2020

Dear praying friends,

Thank you so much for praying for our team as we visited India this past month! We are so grateful for your part with us… prayer is the most important! :)

We had a really wonderful trip and hope to share thoughts from the team in the next … [read more]

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08 January 2020 ~ Comments Off

E-Pray January 2020

Dear Ones,
We can’t thank you enough for your prayer and support for the Lord‘s work in India in 2019. God is working in India. God is working mightily. We are discipling new believers, training young men and women to be Workers and we are planning more new communities in … [read more]

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06 December 2019 ~ Comments Off

E-Pray December – 2019

Hello friends!

Wow! It is already December!!!

John will be arriving home next week (which is a change, in case you thought he was already home as was planned!) and we are so looking forward to it, yay!! We can give more of an update on the latest from India … [read more]

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07 October 2019 ~ Comments Off

E-Pray October 2019

Hello faithful prayer partners,
Thank you for upholding me in your prayers. I had a very fruitful trip and was able to accomplish most of the things I wanted to accomplish. I will give a brief update of the specific prayer requests we shared with you in our July epray.… [read more]

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05 September 2019 ~ Comments Off

E-Pray September – 2019

Hello friends!

John arrived in India with no problems, even though his flight took him through Hong Kong! He is grateful that the airport was quiet at the time he went through and says ‘Thank you for your prayer!’

One surprise for him when he arrived in India was to … [read more]

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11 August 2019 ~ Comments Off

E-Pray August 2019

Hi friends!
We hope you have been having a great summer so far. It has been going so fast! School is going to be starting up again soon and John is already heading back to India next week! We have a few prayer requests for you. Thank you for praying!! … [read more]

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06 July 2019 ~ Comments Off

E-Pray July 2019

Dear praying friends,
SERVE India Appreciation Dinner! :) Coming soon!!
Please come and hear updates and wonderful stories, see pictures, and share a delicious Indian meal at our SERVE India Appreciation Dinner! We would love to have you join us!
It will be on Saturday, July 20, at 5pm, at FCC, … [read more]

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10 June 2019 ~ Comments Off

E-Pray June 2019

Dear prayerful partners,
We are so grateful for your prayer, love, and generous giving which helps us to help many in India and gives us opportunities to introduce new Life in the Lord to those we work with. Thank you!

God is accomplishing His purposes in various communities where SERVE … [read more]

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