Our Mission

As we begin a third millenium since Christ came to Earth, the mission field is changing. Most of the unreached people live in countries closed to western missionaries. Even if these countries were receptive to people from North America, there are not enough career missionaries to do all the work.

These obstacles are nothing to God, however. He is raising up an army of workers from among the neediest countries. These Christians don’t need years of language and cultural training, nor do they need to raise tens of thousands of dollars in yearly support.

More and more American Christians are realizing that there is a strategic opportunity in the enormous gap in wealth between the first and third worlds. This may be the very reason God has blessed us materially.

SERVE-India exists to mobilize resources to aid and support the expanding missionary effort in India, specifically in Andhra Pradesh, a province in South East India. We are focused on supporting the local church through three main efforts: training and helping pastors, providing vocational training to the people in villages with churches, and showing practical mercy to the poor and downtrodden people around these churches.