E-Pray December – 2019
Hello friends!
Wow! It is already December!!!
John will be arriving home next week (which is a change, in case you thought he was already home as was planned!) and we are so looking forward to it, yay!! We can give more of an update on the latest from India then. For now, here are a few prayer requests…
Please pray for the team who will be joining us in India in January, for all the preparation that is needed for our team, for the people in India, and for all the many logistics! We will send out our usual detailed prayer reminder next month.
Please pray for all that is happening at the AllNations House. The end of the semester is always so busy, a bit stressful, and always exciting for students who are graduating, but, also such an emotional time saying good-bye to dear friends and transitioning back to their home countries. We are proud of them but feeling so sad to see them go!
Prayer Requests for the AllNations House
Please pray for:
~ all the students as they finish up the semester with projects, papers, and finals!
~ the students who will be completing their time in the U.S. soon and returning to their home countries, for their last opportunities here, their goodbyes and their time of transition back with their families and culture
~ a meaningful last few weeks together and for them to know the Source and reason for the depth of our love for them, as that is what will last!
~ more team members to help with all the activities at the ANH and to build meaningful relationships with the international students
~ more & more opportunities to love & serve the international students
~ a wonderful, memorable, meaningful, fun Christmas Party where the message of Christmas is clearly presented and received! (& that we would have enough White Elephant gifts for everyone)*
~ our Graduation Open House to honor and bless the international students who are graduating, especially those who families are not able to travel and celebrate with them
We are so, so thankful for all of you and for your love and care for us and all that the Lord is doing in India and through the AllNations House. We know that it all happens because of our partnership and prayer! We need you and we are so grateful for you!!
We pray for you and all who are special to you to have a wonderful, meaningful, Merry Christmas celebration!
Many blessings! Much love, His joy, The Nanda’s