E-Pray – November 2022
Hello friends!
Earlier this month John met up with a long-time friend, who he referred to as his brother, which confused me at first, until he explained, ‘oh! not my actual brother!’. This man was one of the young men that John’s dad had invited to live with them for some years to study and be mentored by him. After his schooling was finished he moved to another area so they had not seen each other for a long time. They are very happy to be connected again! This friend was invited to speak at a conference in Washington, D.C. and asked John for any projects that he could propose at the conference. John spent many days writing up some of the very projects we have been asking for prayer about, including the fishponds for the people in Odisha and the training school possibilities.
Thank you so much for your continued prayer!
Please pray for John’s time in India:
Training Time for the Workers
-wisdom in decisions for the plan of the next opportunity for training for the Workers
-productive & encouraging training time together
Teacher Training School
-good meetings with the government officials & wisdom for the many decisions to be made for the running of the vocational training programs, including teacher training
-a good agreement to be decided on between us and the young man’s team who is interested in running the training program
-the next bit of construction on the Training Center building so that it will be all set to go for the school
Opportunity to Help the Community in Odisha
-wisdom and the Lord’s leading as John walks through all the details with them and helps them make decisions about the shrimp-growing farm
Prayer Requests for AllNations House:
AllNations Team
-praise for a few new international students coming on Friday nights!!
-good Community families to commit to inviting 1 or 2 (or more!) international students to join them for their Thanksgiving Meal
-continue for students who live in ANHs:
the guy’s house – HS from Korea, SP, SC & LC from Taiwan, & Luke (U.S.), the house manager
the gal’s house – EG & CL from Tanzania, MT from Kenya, NG from India, ZN from Malaysia, & BN
from the U.S.
-house manager still needed for the gal’s house
-deepening of relationships and opportunities to share Love & Truth
-wisdom as we lead & for decisions that need to be made
Happy & Blessed Thanksgiving to you all!!
His joy! Much Love, The Nanda’s