07 July 2022 ~ Comments Off

E-pray – July 2022

Dear praying friends!

We are always so thankful for you! We really could not do what we do without you. Thank you for continuing to care and pray for us and all of the Lord’s work we are helping with!
We have a new request for you this month. Last month John was able to make a visit to a neighboring state and meet with some friends we have there to see if we can help with an opportunity for them. We met these friends around 15 years ago when a whole community of families, around 100 people, came to live at our Training Center. There was a situation that happened in their state that set off a round of violence against the believers there. Many of their friends and some family members were killed, and they had to flee for the safety of their own families’ lives. It was a very difficult time for them. We were so thankful that we, with your help, were able to provide food and a safe place for them.
They stayed at the training center for nearly a year, but the whole time they were longing to go home. They speak a different language, so it was difficult for them to find jobs and their children were not able to attend school. Eventually, a political leader invited them back and assured their safety. After some thorough checking and prayer, they decided to go back. They hoped they could share the message of the Truth and Life by forgiving and loving those who hurt them.
They have been safe all these years, but it has still not been easy. The people in their village did not want them there so they have not made it easy for them. They have been just minimally living, but thankful to be in their homes.
Last month they asked John to come and see about helping them with an opportunity to take over a shrimp growing farm that had been abandoned by the owners due to covid difficulties. Please pray for wisdom and the Lord’s leading as John walks through all the details with them and helps them make decisions. It seems like a good answer for them to have the opportunity for a steady source of employment for the whole community. Thanks for praying!

Prayer Requests for AllNations House:
– for a few more students asking to live in the ANHs this 2022-23 school year!!
AllNations Team
-students who will (hopefully) be moving to the ANHs by the end of August:
the guy’s house – EP, HS & GG from Korea, & Luke the house manager
the gal’s house – EG & CG sisters from Tanzania, MT from Kenya,
NG from India, ZN from Malaysia, & BN from the U.S.
-house manager still needed for the gal’s house
-many more team members to join us & many more international students
-deepening of relationships and opportunities to share Love & Truth
-wisdom as we lead & for decisions that need to be made

Thank you for your prayer!

His joy & blessings!
Much Love,
The Nanda’s :)

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