E-pray – January 2022
January 2022
Hello Friends!
Happy New Year!!
We were planning to send this e-pray out yesterday, but thankfully we didn’t send it out until now, because we already have an update!
This morning we went to the airport a few hours earlier than John’s flight so he could get a Covid PCR test. It is tricky these days because getting quick results from PCR tests is not easy to find! In order to board his flight, he must show a negative test result from a test taken within 72 hours of his flight, but most PCR testing sites give results in 3-5 days! So, we ended up paying the $200 at the airport for the 1-hour test turnaround. Oh! It was positive! What a surprise!
Thankfully, John is feeling fine, only a sniffly nose, but too bad his trip had to be delayed once again! He was actually supposed to fly out a week ago, but his flights had been canceled. We are trusting the Lord’s timing and just hope to make the most of another couple of weeks of being home together! Please pray for the details of John’s flight to be worked out in the Lord’s perfect timing and for patience for those in India waiting for his return.
Prayer requests for John’s trip:
– a safe & productive trip for John
– for continued protection from Covid for all our Workers
– productive meetings with the government official who makes decisions about our possible teacher
training school
– wisdom for John & our Lead Workers as they make decisions on how to
help with the needs of many of the Workers & their communities
Thank you, as always! We are so grateful for you! Thank you for your care and prayer for us and all those we love & serve in India and from all nations!!
His joy & blessings!
Much Love, The Nanda’s