E-Pray – June 2021
Hello friends!
We think of you and miss you these days! We pray that you are all keeping safe and well! This is such an interesting time, virus and violence making their mark. I am so thankful though, that amidst it all, we can hold tight to all we know to be true of our Father, that He knows and He sees, and He is faithful to keep His promises. We can trust Him. As long as we have Him we have hope. We are so thankful for that!
I talked with John a few days ago and we are so grateful to report that the truck with the supplies for the roof work has arrived at the Training Center! Please pray for the workers to be able to work safely and without any disruption from the ‘covid police’, and get this project finished.
Please also continue to pray that John will be able to deliver the rice we have ready to give, along with other supplies, to all the dear ones who are in desperate need right now. Please pray for all those suffering without their basic needs, including some of our own SERVE India Workers! and that John will be able to meet with them soon.
Thank you for continuing to pray for our AllNations community. There are a handful of students still around and we are trying to be as much a family to them as we can be in these days. We still do not know for sure what the Fall semester will look like so we are just praying and trusting the Lord and watching for what He is going to do. Please pray for more U.S. students to join our AllNations team to be able to love and serve the international students well, with deep friendships and Truth shared.
Thank you for caring and praying for us and the work of SERVE India and AllNations! We truly could not do what we do without you! Please pray for wisdom for us and our leadership teams here and in India as we all live and make decisions through these next few months. We are praying for you, too!
Many blessings!
Much love, The Nanda’s