11 November 2020 ~ Comments Off

E-Pray – November 2020

November 2020

HI Everyone!
John arrived home! :) Thank you so much for praying for his safe return!The most interesting part of his journey was when he arrived early to the international airport in Chennai, which is HUGE, and it was closed… all dark… he was nervous that something had happened and he wouldn’t be able to catch his flight. He found a couple of police officers and asked what was happening. They told him there were no flights going so that’s why no one was there. When he explained that his flight was supposed to be early the next morning they checked and confirmed that there was 1 flight the next day, his flight. He spent the night outside the airport entrance until workers arrived and let him in, along with the other passengers for his flight. There were only 15 of them! The whole huge airport and only 15 passengers for 1 flight… such crazy times!
We are so thankful that he was able to come on that flight because this week they shut down the country even more and it would have been even more difficult, or impossible, for John to travel. Thank you, again, for praying and please praise the Lord for his safe return and that he is healthy! :)
Also, please praise the Lord with us that at least one family has moved to the Training Center. A second family is still planning to move there this week or next. We are so thankful for this as it helps to keep the Training Center safe from vandalism and theft, or, the possibility of others slowly making their home on the outskirts of the property, which becomes a challenge later to ask them to move on. Please pray as the families adjust to their new home and for trusted relationships to grow between them, and for our worker Moshe, who will be checking in on them from time to time.
The tile roof that John wanted to be finished before he left did not get done, so Moshe will also be checking in on the workers who are supposed to be covering the iron supports with a rust proofing substance. Please pray for the workers to finish this job well and that the building will be protected until the tile roof can be built.
Please praise the Lord that we still have not heard of any of our Workers being affected by Covid so far!
Please pray for the continued health of our Workers and their communities.
The AllNations team continues to love and serve the international students. Although the number of students is so much less compared to usual, we are so grateful for the opportunities that we do have with them. Also, many of us still connect with students who are back in their home countries, which we are so thankful for! Please pray for meaningful interactions and for wisdom for how to continue on, especially through the holidays. Please also keep praying for more U.S. student team members to join us and for this time to be a special time of investing more deeply.
We always feel so grateful for you! Thank you for your prayer and care for us and for all those we love & serve!
Happy Thanksgiving!!! His joy, much love!

The Nanda’s :)

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