E-Pray September 2020
Hello friends!
It is hard to believe that September is here! Thank you for continuing to pray with us for all our requests! We are so thankful for you!!
Updates for you to pray for this month…
First, praise the Lord that most of the Training Center cement work is done!! There is still a portion they are finishing up, so hopefully it will be completed this month. Please pray for all to go smoothly with the completion of this job and that all the workers stay healthy.
A family is still needed to stay at the Training Center while John is away. We had some young guys who were going to live at and maintain the Training Center but recently informed John that they had changed their minds. We would like to have a family step into that job. John has been talking with a few families. Please pray for a good family to take this job to provide for them and help us.
The numbers of positive COVID cases in India remain very high. Our area of India remains highly affected, although they have begun to open up some businesses and work opportunities. We are so thankful that we have not heard of any of our Workers being affected so far. John is hoping to see some of our Workers this week and bring them hand sanitizing supplies as it is not available to many of them in their rural areas. Please thank the Lord and pray for the continued health of John and our Workers and their communities.
The AllNations House will have a handful of students to love & serve. UWRF is holding classes but almost all of the international students decided to take online classes or wait until next semester to return. Please pray that we will be able to meet with the international students who have returned and for wisdom for how to best interact with them. Please also keep praying for more U.S. student team members to join us and for this time to be a special time of investing more deeply.
We are so grateful for you! Thank you for being partners with us!
His joy, much love!
The Nanda’s