E-Pray April 2019
Hello friends!
Thank you for your prayer for us and all!
John is busy finishing what he can before he leaves in a few weeks, please continue to pray for all that he is working on, for wisdom in decisions, and provision of the people of integrity that he needs.
Also, at the AllNations House we are feeling the crunch of time now, the too few weeks of the semester left to spend with our friends who will be returning to their homes at the end. Please pray for all of the relationships that have been building, for meaningful conversations and Truth to be shared. Thank you!
We are happy to share another team member’s thoughts from our past trip, really encouraging!
Many blessings!
Much love, His joy,
The Nanda’s
Thoughts from Rick…
Trip # 15 in the books. Another great trip with the team. Every day was an adventure and I could come up with highlights for each day, but I guess I’ll keep it to just one. I’ll call this one, “God’s purposes through prayer”.
This really touched me this year because throughout the past 15 years God has called me and the team to go to India and serve Him with SERVE India. Over the course of all these years, with all the different teams that have gone there, together, we all have prayed for thousands of people. This year we again went back to a handicap village and there we held a women’s conference. The previous year we were also there. At the end of these visits, we have a lot of people that come up to us and want us to pray for them, which of course we always do. Well this year after the women’s conference was finished there were a few Indian people that shared their stories. Of course, they were talking in Telegu and we didn’t understand what they were saying. One lady was sharing her story. She talked for quite a while and was also pretty emotional. After she was finished, John translated what she was saying. She was talking about how she had been doctoring for some time for hip pain and issues. She found out it was cancer. After all that she had been through, the doctor finally told her she would just have to deal with the pain and all because there was nothing more they could do for her. So last year she was one of the many that came up for prayer. As her story ended, she had pointed at me and said I was the one who had prayed for her, and after that her pain was gone and she was cancer free! God had healed her!
When I first heard that, a couple things went through my mind. First, how awesome it is to be used by God for His purposes. Second, how sometimes God reveals to us how He uses us and lets us see a glimpse of what He’s done, or what He’s doing. It makes me wonder how many other times God uses us in prayer for His good and purposes that we will never hear about in this life. But we do it because we have faith and its communication with Him. That’s why Terri says in the e-pray to always be praying for whatever comes up and to bring it before God. I’ve learned that prayer has power, and it’s something that we all can do, whether we’re in India, at work, at home, wherever you are, you can pray!
As I close this, I thank you for all your prayers for us as we were there, and to continue to pray for John, the Pastor’s, the widow’s, the handicap village, Jeva Jellam, the blind school, the slum village, the child labor school, and the Indian people.