E-Pray March 2019
Hello friends!
Thank you for your continued prayer and care for us. We are thankful every day!
Please pray for all that John is working on in India, there is always SO much! It is mostly wonderful :), but there are a few cases in the court that require John’s presence. The cases are due to dishonest land sellers and buyers, for example, someone fraudulently sold a small piece of our land to someone else, so now we have to prove that it was ours to get it back. Please pray for things to move more quickly, with just results, so John does not need to spend more of his time with it all.
Please praise the Lord with us for the new clinics that were set up last month!! Next e-pray we will share more about this.
Please praise the Lord for all that He is doing with the wonderful students at the AllNations House! Every Friday night we have a great group (40-60) who share a meal and enjoy each other, deepening relationships and sharing what is most important to them. We also have a few small groups that meet together regularly throughout the week! Please continue to pray for hearts to be open to the love & Truth we have for them. Also, we still need help with providing the Friday night meal once in a while, so please let me know if you would like to help. Thanks!
We always feel happy to share thoughts from our trip’s team members, so we have included Jody’s below. Thank you, again, for all you do in this work with us!
Many blessings! Much love, His joy, The Nanda’s
Thoughts from Jody…
Again, it was an amazing trip! I am captivated by the Indian people. Their warmth and hospitality touch my heart, and it is such a striking contrast to come from a frigid white climate to a warm colorful one.
Two things really stand out in my mind. Last year when we were there, a lovely young hotel worker helped me wrap my sari. This year, we returned to the same hotel and we immediately recognized each other. We hugged and tried to communicate a bit. The manager was there and spoke highly of her. I got a chance to talk alone with her and share a few things with her and pray for her. We shared some tears and joys and she is often on my heart and in my prayers.
Another experience that stands out is the visit to the slum. I expected it to be a dreary, sad place. But because of what a previous team had done for them two years ago when they installed lights in their homes, it was a joyful hope-filled place. The people were excited to show us their lovely, well-kept, but tiny homes. Because of SERVE India’s love for them, they are open to the Truth and some have already responded in faith and now have changed lives! What a powerful example of our great Lord’s love, and His work through the lives of His faithful servants!
My husband Randy and I are so thankful to John and Terri for allowing us to share the privilege of serving with them in India!