E-Pray November 2018
Dear faithful, praying friends,
Greetings in the name of the Lord! This is the time of the year that we are reminded to express thanks and appreciation in our life. I want to take time to do just that. Thank you, first, for praying for our family and all the ways the Lord is working in our lives. And then, also, as in recent days many of you expressed your interest in reading our eprays, learning and praying regularly for the work of the Lord in India, for that I want to thank you, too. I think while I am writing this, of Paul’s letter to the Thess. Community ‘We always thank God for all of you and continually mention you in our prayers.’ Thank you so much for your prayer.
We believe that it is because of your prayer that God is moving powerfully in India. Just a few days ago I heard from our good Worker, Eliyah, as they were finishing up their monthly Worker’s gathering and the wonderful time of fellowship they spent in the Lord. They feel so encouraged by the ways He is leading them, teaching them, and guiding them. When they meet for these gatherings they spend the first night in fasting prayer, sharing their needs with each other, encouraging each other, and praying for each other. The next day they spend in teaching and learning together. It is so beautiful to see these Workers, who feel lonely by themselves in different villages, gathering together each month to encourage each other in prayer, in the promises of our Lord and in His Word, filling up and refreshed spiritually to go back again to their work.
I am thankful for these men and women that God has raised to be His ambassadors in rural and tribal village areas. The people there have had no chance to hear about our Father. These Workers are passionate in helping the people in various ways. Daily, they take the good news to the homes and pray for the sick, and give help to poor families. They are providing income-generating ideas to the farmers’ families. They help mothers and fathers value their own children getting an education through the adult education classes many Workers provide. They genuinely care for those who are oppressed, giving hope for their future, both physically and eternally.
I am so grateful for each one of our Workers, for their deep burden and love for the Lord and their tireless work to help people experience the love of the Lord. Thank you for continuing to pray for our Workers.
Thank you for praying. It is because of your prayer that the Lord has called these ambassadors… ‘He told them, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field’. Luke 10:2 ‘And how can anyone preach unless they are sent? As it is written: “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!” Romans 10:15
Thank you for being partners with us in this important work that the Lord is doing. May God bless you and also use you wherever you are to be a blessing to others. We hope you have a Happy Thanksgiving!
In His service, Much love, The Nanda’s