03 August 2018 ~ Comments Off

E-Pray August 2018

Hello dear friends!
Thank you for your prayer as John has been tending to all of the many pressing situations in India that we listed in our last month’s e-pray. We knew it would simply take God’s hand to move things forward, so thank you for your prayer! John has been able to make progress with many of the situations. Thank you for keeping up the prayer for John and all the work he is doing while in India for about another month. :)
The summer is going so fast now, isn’t it?! Last week I had a meeting with the director of the International Student Services (ISS) office at UW-River Falls and learned that the new international students are arriving in 3 weeks for their orientation week before the semester starts… already! We are so excited that there will be around 60 NEW international students coming! There will also be around 50 returning international students and altogether they come from around 24 different countries! Isn’t it amazing that in our little corner of the world we can interact with people from that many other countries?!
We know that the Lord has His plans in this and count it as a blessing and an opportunity to love and serve as many of these students as we can! Would you like to help? You are if you are praying! :) Prayer is the most important part of loving and serving these students. We are completely dependent on His work in their lives, which only happens with power through prayer… so thank you, thank you, thank you!
Another really wonderful way to help in loving and serving the international students, if you are in the area of UWRF, is by signing up to be a part of the International Friendship Program (used to be called Host Family Program). The director of the ISS office said that there is a really big need for more families to sign up right now. We are praying that many good families, who have so much Love & Truth to share, would take this opportunity to impact a student, who will someday go back to their home country and continue that impact! We have seen that these relationships have made a very big difference in the students’ lives AND in the families’ lives! It is a beautiful thing! :)
I have included information about the International Friendship Program that is found on the UWRF ISS website, so you can get a better understanding of it. If you want to be partnered with a student then fill out the form found on the website and the ISS office will match you with a student who has similar preferences, including how often they would have time to meet (some students only want to meet a few times/semester). Please, also, feel free to ask me any questions about it, too! Please pray for many wonderful families to take this opportunity to love and serve the students the Lord is bringing to us. Also, please pray for the AllNations House team, for wisdom, grace, energy, and fun, creative ideas to love and serve the students best.
We are so thankful to have you with us in all that the Lord has us doing!! We cannot do it without you! :)
His joy, Much love, The Nanda’s :)

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