06 November 2017 ~ Comments Off

E-Pray November 2017

Greetings to You All in the Name of our Lord,
It has been about a month since I have been back in the U.S. It has been great to be home with my family and especially wonderful to celebrate together such a special event as Jake & Meg’s wedding a few weeks ago! We thank the Lord for such a beautiful wedding and a new daughter-in-law, beautiful inside and out!
My last trip in India was, as usual, a busy time on the move visiting with our workers, having meetings and many conversations with people. I felt so encouraged. God is moving in India.
As I write this letter I am reminded of Thanksgiving that is coming up soon. I am so full of gratitude, appreciation and gratefulness toward you wonderful friends that God has drawn to us and the SERVE India work. I am thankful for the teams that have served with us in India year after year to do the Lord’s work. I am thankful for the teachers that have come to teach our workers and because of that time of learning and fellowship it has made a difference in their work in all the communities. Also, I am so thankful for the people who have given us the much-needed help with paperwork, selling & buying gas cards, and donating & collecting items we needed to bring over for the people, and, for all the help we needed to pack & send the shipment! I am also so thankful for all the generous support from you and your prayer, because without that we could not do what we do. I feel like I can go on writing lists and lists! I thank God for you all!
A few verses that I like tell us, ‘sing to the Lord with thanksgiving’ and in another place, ‘give thanks always for all things to God’. It is so important to the Lord that we give thanks. It is mentioned several times in the Scriptures to have joyful and thankful hearts. When I am thankful it takes away all my bitterness, controls anger and brings peace, which I need help with regularly working with so many injustices and inefficiencies in India. No wonder our Father taught us it is so important to be thankful.
We have so much in our work to be thankful for, too, that God is doing… great things! The communities are growing and expanding and new daughter communities have been added. It is so encouraging to see communities continuing in the work that SERVE India has done for many years. They are serving by word and deed, caring for orphans, widows, and poor, sharing what little they have and loving their neighbor, because they are thankful and have learned that it is a blessing to give. We are thankful to God for His protection of our field workers that regularly visit homes to share the good news every single day.
It is good for us to cultivate a life of gratitude to our Lord, the One who continuously blesses us, loves us, & cares for us. He is so good. His love endures forever.
I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your loved ones.
With much love & gratitude,
All for Him,
John Nanda

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