03 June 2015 ~ Comments Off

E-Pray June 2015

Hello e-pray friends!

We are very excited to invite you to our SERVE India Appreciation Dinner!! :) We appreciate you all SO much! We will serve a delicious Indian meal (along with other food available, if you don’t prefer Indian food) and spend some time sharing updates, pictures & stories from our team’s recent trip. We are excited to share the gratitude sent from all of those who were blessed by the generosity of you who gave towards the cyclone relief. We will also have a chance to introduce you to our Young Adult Team and talk a little about the plans for our SERVE India Youth Conference next January (2016).
Please put it on your calendars and plan to join us!

SERVE India Appreciation Dinner
Saturday, June 20th, 1-3pm
FCC, 777 Carmichael, Rd, Hudson

Please RSVP by replying to this email or visiting our website serve-india.com. Please let us know how many are coming and if you would be willing to bring a salad or dessert, just if you would want to! :)

Thank you, as always, for all of your prayer and care for us & SERVE India!!!

His joy, Much love,
The Nanda’s :)

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