E-Pray January 2015
Dear e-pray friends,
We hope you had a wonderful Christmas celebration with many special people! We are so thankful for the time we had with all of our boys home and time with family and friends.
We are getting ready for our trip to India, John leaves in a few days and our team a few days after that! We have included a prayer guide if you would like to pray for us each day. We really count on your prayer so thanks for taking time to lift us up when you can.
The main focus of our trip will be to love & encourage as many as we can that were affected by the cyclone. We feel SO excited that we can go with tangible help that was provided by many of you and we THANK YOU so much!! We will take lots of pictures so you will be able to share in the joy of His provision and answer to the prayer of many desperate people. Along with providing the basic needs of the people, please pray as John is working through the details of being able to purchase a fishing boat that will be able to help at least 15 families and build up the community, too!
Thank you, again, for your prayer and care for us and the ministries of SERVE India! HAPPY NEW YEAR!
His JOY, Much love,
The Nanda’s