E-pray: April 2011
Dear e-pray friends,
We just arrived back from India today, and we are so grateful that we had a wonderful trip! The team was great, we were safe in our travel, no one was sick, our meetings with the believers went well and were so encouraging for us all! Thanks so much for praying!
It is always so challenging to try and write about our experiences there… words to describe the hearts and passions of the Pastors just don’t seem sufficient!
Here is a little snippet from Josh…
‘It was incredible to see the Pastors that come to the meetings, to hear about their lives, churches, families, and testimonies. Most of them have no training or teaching background. Their lives were so changed by Christ and they have become so filled with the Holy Spirit that they needed to share it with everyone. They leave their old lives behind, and often are cast out by their families and friends. But they make a difference for God’s Kingdom. It’s rare to meet believers who are committed fully to serving God with every part of their being. I will never forget the encouragement I experienced.’
I included a bit of my journal here…
‘What a great highlight for me visiting with the tribal Pastors, who came down from the mountains, some walking for days. Wow… I just looked at them there, SO thankful for them, so thankful that God has called them… otherwise, who would go there for Him? It took us a long time to drive as far as we could and then we had to walk for quite a ways because the car couldn’t drive there, and then there they were in the little spot where they had gathered. Oh, there was joy, singing and dancing, and prayer, and laughter…
Thank You, Father, for the way that Pastor Marc encouraged them with his words, and even more with his questions, and his attentive interest in their stories. Father, I was so amazed by them, SO thankful for them… who else would go into those mountains? Who else would be able to reach those lost ones there, so deceived by evil and unknowingly entangled in it, held by fear? Thank You so much Father for calling those men and their families, thank You for their willingness and for their sacrifice, for their dependence on You, and their faith, for their perseverance even when it seems fruitless for years, and then, a change, a family believes and a church is born, suffering, but growing, strong, deeply, because there is no other way for it to survive in the midst of the evil pushing against it. Thank You for the souls won from evil and now shining as a light in that darkness, please, give them strength, comfort, wisdom, protection, and their continued joy! Please help us remember to do our part for them, my King, please help us to never forget to be praying for them, often, for them and their families and their small house churches. Thank You for letting us be a part of Your work there, Father, it is so humbling and such a privilege, please help us do our part without fail, for them and Your glory. Thank You, Father! In our precious Jesus’ name, AA/
We were also able to meet people and make plans for our upcoming trip this summer with a team of young adults. We are so excited about the opportunities we will have to reach many young people with the Gospel! Please be praying as we continue to prepare for the summer trip.
John will be returning at the end of this month, so please continue to pray for him as he is meeting with many people and trying to get many projects finished up before he comes.
Thank you, again, for your prayer and partnership with us!
His joy & blessings, Love, The Nanda’s