E-pray February 2011
Dear e-pray friends,
I talked with John yesterday and here is the update about the shipment… the inspection went fine and now they have sent out a food packet to be tested by their lab to make sure that it is good and safe for consumption. They told us that they had sent it out before, but they hadn’t, so hopefully it will be done this time with good results! Please pray that the testing will happen and end with good results, and then they will release the shipment, with no further cost! Thank you for persevering in prayer with us!
It has been good that John has not had to spend his actual time working on the shipment this time, for right now it is just waiting, so he has been busy! He has been traveling to different areas of the ministry, providing what is needed for their work to continue, especially in many of the building projects.
They will be having their monthly Pastors’ Meetings soon, which is always a great encouragement. In a week or so they have an intensive class planned for the students who are going through training at the Pastors’ Training Center. Also, John asked that we be praying for the students who live in the children’s home, who are starting to prepare for their exams that come up in March.
Please pray for all of the ministries, that the Pastors, their families and congregations, the children, the widows, the families that live in the leprosy communities, and the students of the training center, will continue to grow in their faith and in their love and service to God and to those who live around them so that even more will come to know the saving love of Jesus. We know that this work is done in their hearts only through the work of the Lord. Thank you for praying!!
Please also remember to be praying for the team that will be joining us in India this summer for a 2-week ministry trip. We are very excited about our family’s summer in India AND this team coming! We will be able to do some things in ministry that we haven’t been able to do before because of the nature of this young adult team!
Please pray as our team grows in our relationships with each other, as we plan the details of the presentations we will have the opportunity to present before more than 1000 students (ranging from elementary through college age, almost ALL who have NEVER HEARD ABOUT JESUS before!), and for the details of our traveling plans that are being decided at this time, especially for a good price on the airfare, which is really high right now.
Also, please would you be praying for our Red Rose Dinner fundraising event next weekend (2/12). We are excited for the night and are hoping for lots of people to come! Please pray that all the details will work out perfectly and that everyone will be encouraged to be served by the team and to learn of what the Lord has been doing in India, and what exciting things are yet to come this summer!
The Red Rose Dinner
Saturday, February 12th, 6 – 9pm
Faith Community Church, Hudson
If you would still like to get tickets, you can get them at Faith Community Church this Sunday morning (2/6) or let me know and I will save tickets for you. The last day to reserve tickets is this coming Sunday (2/6).
We are so grateful for you all! Thank you for your continued love and care for us, we couldn’t do anything without it!
His joy, Love, The Nanda’s